I could have created a dedicated Bio, but a passage from my old story Bullies and Boogiemen, as narrated by goddess Artemis (!) says it better:
“As you have surmised after allowing me to get my revenge against Alpheus, our kind is of extra-terrestrial origin. Centuries ago, a fleet of ships left the Vega system; bound for a new world to colonise.” Artemis said, as the sky had now turned into a large movie screen.
“We landed on the planet you know as Earth or Terra, north of the Mediterranean Basin. As we blended in with the primitive population, we were soon perceived as ‘gods falling from the heavens in their chariots of fire’; giving birth to the Greek pantheon of gods, which in turn would be adopted by the Romans.” Artemis said, as the various images describing those events filled the dream screen.
“All was not well within our group. Splinter groups of discontented Vegans broke away from the Greek core. Some settled in Mesopotamia, others in Egypt, while others trekked farther north; some settling in Gaul, others in the Nordic countries, giving birth to their own local deities.” Artemis continued, as Quentin absorbed the ad hoc history lesson.
Artemis looked at him gravely.
“From these splinter groups came the abandoned ones, Nomad gods who belonged to no tribe; left to their own devices. The myth of Cronus devouring his children so he would not be overthrown was born of those abandoned ones.” Artemis said; a sad expression on her face, as the image of one of those nomads now appeared on the dream screen.
“Rasputin?” Quentin said, though the man looked much fatter, and filthier.
“One of his many identities through the years, one thanks to which he could fulfill his lust for sex and alcohol. He has great power of persuasion, and can communicate through nightmares, using fear to manipulate his victims and satisfy his lust. In some cultures, he was known as the demon Mo’moh. He has haunted many a young woman’s and young man’s nightmares; terrifying them to the point of suicide.” Artemis said, as the sky returned to its original state.
“Suicide? I’m not sure I follow.” Quentin said, feeling anxious.
“Mo’moh’s lust is both mental and physical; drawing pleasure from sex and fear. Mental rape is still rape.” Artemis said, as Quentin nodded knowingly.
“And Joey was one of his victims?” Quentin asked, frowning.
“One of the many. Joey’s anxiety as he attended High School was too tempting for Mo’moh to pass. When Joey decided to stand up to his tormentors and beat them at their own game, Mo’moh lost interest. Unbeknownst to him, Joey has a great gift, a psychic power that his lover Sheila helped him develop. As an adult, Joey is powerful enough to hand Mo’moh his final defeat. However, he must keep his anger in check. If he loses control, Mo’moh will exploit that weakness and play mind games that could drive Joey mad.” Artemis said.

The banned Nomad god will play a part in the next story!