Introducing the main Villain in the story in the works!
I could have created a dedicated Bio, but a passage from my old story Bullies and Boogiemen, as narrated by goddess Artemis (!) says it better: “As you have surmised after allowing me to get my revenge against Alpheus, our kind is of extra-terrestrial origin. Centuries ago, a fleet of ships left the Vega system; bound…
Still learning ;)
Going over my past stories, I’ve noticed how certain…body parts lack sharpness in the rendered images. After looking into it, that phenomenon isn’t unique to characters or body parts…the more HD the figure/environment/item, the longer the render times, thus, some details are smoothed out to strike a balance between definition and render times (or at…
The Initiation of the Bat
Ghosts From the Past
Saving Veronica
The Comeback Kid
My Superheroine Crush before Wonder Woman made it to TV, the “Wonderbat” Romance I still dig to this day, and Wonder Woman’s evolution (in appearance) in the illustrations posted in my previous Blog…
Wonder Woman has been the fantasy girlfriend of many youths growing up in the ’70s, myself included…but…before the lovely Lynda Carter graced the TV screens as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, there was another…sorry Lynda 😉 Before the Wonder Woman TV Show, there was Oh Mighty Isis, starring the equally lovely Joanna Cameron as Andrea Thomas/Isis. The…